Our School
Wright Elementary School believes that all students can learn; it just might not be in the same way or in the same amount of time. We feel it is important to target students’ needs and help move all students forward in their learning, whether they need extra help, are right where they need to be, or need to be challenged. Wright Elementary develops a foundation for successful, confident, life-long learning.
There are several co-curricular activities that are available for students attending Wright Elementary, including a music enrichment program and a cooking class.
Wright Elementary has volunteer opportunities for families and community members. If you are interested in joining our volunteer ranks please reach out to Mary Rasmussen at wrigvol@crschools.us and fill out your application on our volunteer page.
School history
On November 11, 1954, Wright School opened its doors to its first 517 students. Originally built with 13 rooms, seven more were added before the building opened.
Wright was named as the result of an essay contest sponsored by the Cedar Rapids Gazette. A Franklin Junior High student, Paul Atherton, submitted the winning essay. He wrote, “Cedar Rapids should be proud to have had the Wright Brothers living in Cedar Rapids at the time they received, from a toy, their inspiration to fly. A building of learning named after these famous men should be an inspiration to any youngster.” The naming of the school corresponded with the 50th anniversary of the Wright Brothers’ first powered airplane flight.
The Wright brothers’ names were Orville and Wilbur Wright. Their first flight was 12 seconds long. Their longest flight was on December 17, 1903, near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, and it was 59 seconds long. They were inspired to build an airplane by a toy helicopter their dad gave them.